Thursday, September 11, 2008

We Shall See!

The Georgia Aquarium is having an online contest for naming their new penguin mascot. We are members at the Aquarium and go often. Mara Kate loves it and her favorite animals are the penguins--hands down!

When Kane's sister came for a visit a few months ago we went to the Aquarium and Mara Kate was very excited to show her all the animals, especially the penguins. When we left that day Elizabeth sweetly treated Mara Kate to a little stuffed penguin from the gift shop who we ended up naming Penelope.

So, I went online and submitted Penelope as our name choice for the new penguin mascot. Isn't that so cute--Penelope Penguin?! Anyway, I wish there was a place on the form to explain why we chose that name, but there isn't. Oh well. The grand prize winner receives 4 tickets to an event at the Aquarium called the Georgia Aquarium Sleepover. That sounds fun! Anyway, we shall see! I'll let you know if we win! :)


Anonymous said...

I hope your entry wins, and there is a real Penelope Penguin!

crossfield said...

Awwww.... that would be TOO cool! I hope Mara Kate is always so easy to please!

Anonymous said...

Hope you win!! It is a cute name...and a sleepover at the aquarium would be a really fun memory!!