Saturday, January 09, 2010

A Post Holiday Update

We are home again from all our travels. We had a great Christmas at home, then in Knoxville and then in Kansas City. We got to see almost all of our family in a 2 week span which was crazy and wonderful!

We loved spending Christmas Eve and Christmas morning at home together (a first for us). I had a blast cooking a nice Christmas Eve meal and also a special Christmas morning breakfast too. We enjoyed the morning opening presents and stockings together. But, once our fun was over we packed it up and headed to Knoxville arriving there late Christmas afternoon. That evening we had a family get together with Kane's extended family and then opened gifts from one another the next morning. We had a really nice, relaxing time there.

The Monday after Christmas we packed the car once again and started the long trek from Knoxville to Kansas City. We made it in one day, although we were in the car for 13 hours that day. Thanks to Heidi and Jeph we had a borrowed DVD player for Mara Kate which helped keep her sane all those hours in her car seat. We were sure thankful for a warm bed that night!

We spent a lot of time in doors because it was just SOOO cold (between 0 & 10 degrees alot of the time). The few things we did do out and about were fun though. They included a Burton extended family Christmas get together with yummy food and games. We also all ventured out to eat Smokestack BBQ, which is a must when we are in KC. Mom and Dad also treated Kane and me to supper out on the Plaza one night to celebrate his graduation---we had supper at P.F. Chang's, one of Kane's favorite places. Kane and I also had a date night one night, which was fun in spite of the frigid temps. Kane and Mara Kate also got to go sledding with my sister's kids and my two uncles, which was a treat for Mara Kate since Georgia doesn't see enough snow for sledding probably ever! Overall, we had a great time just being together.

There are of course too many pictures to post here, but you can click here and here to see ones from Christmas and our time with family.

I have been busy since the minute we got home getting the Christmas stuff packed away and trying to get our home back to normal after being away. I've crossed a lot of those things off my to do list, but keep thinking of more that needs to be done. I keep telling myself that I have until June to get this house completely in order before the baby arrives, but my personality is one that wants to get it done NOW! I'm trying to pace myself though---I guess we'll see how that goes.