Monday, August 25, 2008

Out of the Mouths...

Yesterday our church began their new "year" and Mara Kate was moved into a new Sunday School class. Until yesterday she was still considered young enough to just go to the nursery, but now her class is structured with a Bible lesson and she will have the same consistent teachers who she'll see each Sunday. I think this will be great for her and I'm excited to know she will be learning things from the Bible while in her class.

Yesterday she learned that God made the world and everything in it! We were talking a little bit about that on the way home from church and she said:

"Mommy, What did God make?" I answered her emphatically, "Mara Kate, God made EVERYTHING!!" She looked back at me and said, "Ok...and, what else?"

What else? What else? What else can you add to everything?! :)


Anonymous said...

One more indication that she's growing up.

The Vinsons said...

How cute! I love kids answers and questions to everything.

Anonymous said...

so cute! i love how their little minds try to make sense of all of this! :)