Friday, March 30, 2007

Zoo Atlanta

This morning Mara Kate experienced yet another "first" in her life...her first visit to the Zoo! My dear friend Ruth called me last night and invited us to join her and her little girl on their trip to the zoo with the Mom's group she is a part of. Although today was a bit chilly and ended up raining a bit as we were heading home, we had a great time and Mara Kate loved all the animals she saw! She would point at them at laugh and look at me to make sure I saw them too. So cute. She also really enjoyed the children's petting zoo and wasn't afraid at all. She wanted down so she could walk and she pet everything that was there. She really liked the pot bellied pig (I think because they were more her height) and she would just follow them around and try to pet them on the behind. Here are some pictures of our first outing to Zoo Atlanta.

Mara Kate outside the petting zoo

Anjuli and Ruth---thanks so much for inviting us guys! :)

Mara Kate and one of the pigs

Walking around the goats while they were enjoying their breakfast

Mara Kate petting one of the pigs


Rhino-up close and personal

Mara Kate and Anjuli at the giraffe habitat



We were sad that the lions were temporarily off exhibit (although we could hear them roaring from wherever they were) due to repairs in her habitat...maybe we'll catch them next time.


15010 said...

looked like so much fun!