Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Not So Much Fun

This morning Mara Kate and I headed into the city at around 8:30am. Our first stop was to Kane's office to drop him off. Our second stop was the Sandy Springs area Health Department. We were going to get Mara Kate's next set of shots. Unfortunately our insurance doesn't cover the cost of immunizations so every time our pediatrician tells us it is time for shots we make a separate trip up to the Health Department.

This morning after waiting for 30 minutes I found out they couldn't do her shots because they had run out of vaccines. After finding out what my options were I decided to try again at another location. I got directions and headed up to the Health Department in Alpharetta, GA. We waited there for almost 2 hours before we were seen. Thankfully they had a supply of the shots she was needing and she got 3 (one in each leg and one in her arm). Poor thing. :(

At least it is over with for a few more months and we are finally back home. Mara Kate fell asleep on the way home and is continuing her nap in her bed. I plan on the rest of the day being low key so she can rest if she feels like it and we can just spend some time together at home after such a frustrating (and painful for her) morning.

And for those of you who are interested---this entire ordeal took us a little over 4 hours.

Yeah---Not So Much Fun!


Heather said...

Student health insurance needs some improvement - like for covering shots. Mine doesn't cover anything preventive at all. So bizarre! You think they would realize that it would save the insurance companies money in the long run.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes it isn't easy or convenient being a parent, but you and Kane are doing a really great job!

Anonymous said...

Yuck. Shots are no fun anyway, but to add such a long wait and all that traffic and frustration! At least they're behind you now... I'm sure that was your motivation in driving to the second location!